We support humans over A.I. 

Authors and Narrators: 
Use this logo on and the audio tag in all your projects that employ real human voices. 

Audiobook Fans: Starting 2022, consider supporting purchases of audiobooks that bear the label.

Keep it Real!
Find out how you can support the Movement. 
Email: info@realhumanvoice.org
UPDATE: As of September, 2023, REALHUMANVOICE.ORG is currently in discussion with a Chicago, USA-based Intellectual Property litigation firm to explore bringing legislation to the U.S. Congress and litigation to the state (initially Illinois) courts that will protect Voice Artists' unique voices through trademark and copyright law. If you would like to join this cause and be apprised of developments, please send us an email with the Subject Line: 'I WANT A VOICE IN PROTECTING VOICES'. Include your name, city or province, and country, along with your email address. 

Thank you for your support. Together, we'll strike fear in the hearts of robots! And those who create them.